Monday, October 24, 2005

Mushroom Agoli Olio

This is an even simpler dish to make - takes less than 15 minutes to put together - excluding the time for cooking the spag.Posted by Picasa

1. Dry spaghetti - for this dish, spag would be the best, fettucine would be too thick and nah..
2. Chilli - i used a normal one..and de-seeded it..cause i didn't want to eat the seeds..which is really almost not fiery at all..if you want the hot-ness, then use chilli padi..but i be forewarned..1 is more than enough.. the last time i tried 3..n it made me cry when i fried it and no one dared to eat it..far far to hot.
3. Shitake mushroooms - not a norm in this recipe, but..why not?
4. Garlic - i used one clove and i like my finely..really finely sliced till the juices comes out..but its your choice too..
5. Olive oil - need an amount - i used approx 3 soup has to be able to cover the spag at least. Not as fattening when olive oil is used and olive oil has a nice sweet kinda taste to it too.
6. Salt - remember to taste
7. Parmesan Cheese - optional

**Other then mushrooms, you can basically add any other ingredients as you wish to spice up this dish. But the olive oil, garlic and chilli are the basics.

This is really simple. With a little olive oil, fry the mushrooms first. Then place aside. Add the 3 soup spoons of olive oil. Then the garlic and chilli. Fry till the garlic turns golden brown and then add the spag. Shake and make sure that the oil is evenly spread out. Done. Enjoy it hot. I added parmesan cheese to it too..taste great! Enjoy!!

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